On Tuesday (20/10), Regent of Klungkung, I Nyoman Suwirta, welcomed an audience from the Wisnu Foundation at his office. The presence of the group led by the Director of the Wisnu Foundation, Ni Made Purniati, was to seek the blessing and invite the Klungkung Regency Government in the Partner Meeting and Nusa Penida Ecologic Program Synchronization. The event is planned to be held on Monday, October 26, 2020, at the Bukit Keker Learning House, Nyuh Desa Ped, Nusa Penida District. Regent Suwirta appreciated the various positive activities that have been carried out by the Wisnu Foundation in Nusa Penida. He emphasized that all upcoming activities must be synchronized and synergized with various ongoing local government programs. He added that the Government and the Foundation must work together to educate the community to maintain the ecological balance of the Nusa Penida.