WartaBulukumba.Com – Sunlight creeps in through the old windows, giving warmth to the usually quiet room. The Bonto Haru Village Hall in Rilau Ale District, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi, was seen crowded with dozens of farmers on Thursday afternoon, December 14 2023. A young man with a beard was holding a microphone. His name is Sri Puswandi, Chairman of Dana Mitra Tani (DMT). Slowly, in front of dozens of palm sugar farmers, he explained about cooperatives for farmers, restoration and protection of the Balangtieng watershed ecosystem, as well as collective work for mutual prosperity, especially improving the economy of palm sugar farmers.
“Currently, we will carry out an environmentally friendly Brown Sugar Producing Community Development and Assistance Program through Cooperative Business Entities to support the restoration and protection of the Balangtieng watershed ecosystem,” explained Sri Puswandi after the socialization event.
The program covers 12 villages in Rilau Ale District. With the presence of the village government, community leaders, palm sugar farmers, women farmers, youth, and various elements that make up the diversity of the local community, this event is not only an ordinary ceremony or discussion, but also raises hopes for change. In general, the aim of this program is to build collective action for palm sugar producers in developing human resources, strengthening institutions, increasing economic business results and adapting action, climate change mitigation and environmental preservation in the Balangtieng watershed area. “In this program, there are 12 villages in three sub-districts that are the focus, each of which is part of the Balangtieng watershed. “This is a big step for the Rilau Ale, Kindang and Bulukumpa Districts in protecting the ecosystem that surrounds us,” added Sri Puswandi in an enthusiastic tone.
This program covers a number of villages in Rilau Ale District, namely Anrang Village, Pangalloang Village, Bonto Bangun Village, Bonto Haru Village, Karama Village, Swatani Village, Bajiminasa Village, and Bonto Matene Village. For Kindang District there are Tammaona Village and Orogading Village. Meanwhile, in Bulukumpa District there is Sapobonto Village. Supported by UNDP Not only DMT plays a role in bringing about change. A. Arfhan Syukri, ST, MT, Secretary of the Department of Trade, Industry, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises also provided color in this socialization activity as a resource person, bringing a broad and in-depth view of the ongoing process. “The big goal behind this program is to build collective action in developing human resources, strengthening institutions, and increasing economic business results,” explained A. Arfhan Syukri. However, behind that, according to him, there is a framework that has been developed jointly for climate change adaptation and mitigation as well as environmental preservation in the Balangtieng watershed area. The program launched by DMT is the result of a strong collaboration between GEF SGP, the Environmental Business Development Foundation, support from the UN agency, namely UNDP, and the Balang Institute as the organizing institution in an initiative that combines the great potential in Balangtieng.
Sri Puswandi emphasized that this was not an ordinary meeting or just socialization.
“This is a big step taken by the farming community in protecting, caring for and developing the potential of natural resources while advancing shared prosperity,” he stressed. ***
Source Article entitled “Farmers in 12 villages in Bulukumba together with Dana Mitra Tani and UNDP support the restoration of the Balangtieng watershed ecosystem”, in full with the link: https://wartabulukumba.pikiran-rakyat.com/ekobis/pr-877476293/petani-12-desa-di-bulukumba-bersama-dana-mitra-tani-dan-undp-mendukung-pemulihan-ekosistem-das-balangtieng?page=2