Period of 2019 - 2020
Objective 1: Increased public awareness of high waste generation and the importance of managing waste in accordance with Law No.18/2008.

- Waste generation data in Banjar Nyuh Kukuh.
- Household waste management behavior.

- Map of waste generation in Banjar Nyuh Kukuh.
- Brand audit of waste around the Banjar Nyuh Kukuh neighborhood.

• Waste Management Program Socialization
Participants: Perbekel Desa Ped, Bendesa banjar Nyuh Kukuh, Head of Family and STT (Sekaa Truna Truni) in Banjar Nyuh Kukuh.
• Discussion of Land Application for TPST

Objective 2: Increased public awareness and compliance in maintaining the potential of a waste-free nature with waste management and strict law enforcement by the authorities.

Ped Village has not yet issued specific regulations regarding waste management systems but has issued regulations on waste management levies: Village Regulation Number 07 of 2018.

Waste management pararem discussion with Bendesa and Nyuh Kukuh residents.
Objective 3: Improved waste management practices starting from the source of waste and managing it in an integrated and sustainable manner.

Objective 4: Increased environmental education from an early age through formal education from elementary, junior high, high school

Environmental education is conducted in schools located in Banjar Nyuh Kukuh, including SDN 3 Ped, SMPN 2 Ped, SMAN 1 Nusa Penida, and SMKN 1 Nusa Penida.

Environmental Education Training for Teachers of SD 3 Ped, SMP Negeri 2 Ped, SMAN 1 Nusa Penida, SMK Negeri 1 Nusa Penida

School Assistance for SDN 3 Ped Towards Adiwiyata School

Objective 5: Increased community roles from children, youth and adults in waste management.

- Nyuh Kedas Volunteers
- The 5R Movement (reduce, reuse, recycle, replace, replant)
- Youths from Nyuh Kukuh banjar from 10 - 18 years old
- Activities: Clean-up of the Nyuh Kukuh environment, recycling paper, making ink (from coconut sticks), composting, mol (a traditional method of making organic fertilizer), surveys, education for the community and peers, environmental murals, 5R campaign.
No. | Activity | Outcome |
1. | Waste Generation Data | Nyuh Kukuh community waste per day ± 550 kg / day from 178 households |
2. | Waste distribution map | 1 waste source map |
3. | Activity Socialization | Conducted twice, the first was attended by 57 participants (39 men and 18 women). The second was attended by 38 family heads (men) 2 women (from PPLH Bali). |
4. | TPST | 1 Built Waste Collection and Segregation Building equipped with working tools: motorized cikar (waste transportation), PPE for officers, office stationery, sorting and composting equipment, garden, water tank |
5. | Waste Sorting Pattern | Every waste customer is obliged to separate their waste into 4 categories: organic waste, valuable inorganic waste, residue, hazardous waste. |
6. | Village/customary regulations | 3 limited discussion meetings; Village Chief, Sub-village Chief, Village Secretary, Deputy Village Chief. Agreement on creating regulations was not reached (considering TPST was not available at that time). |
7. | Family Idol | 106 households have received services. |
8. | Waste Volunteers | 15 volunteers (6 female and 9 male) |
9. | Sekolah Menuju Adiwiyata | 1 pilot project school (SDN 3 Ped), 3 schools (SMPN 2 Ped, SMAN 1 Nusa Penida, SMKN 1 Nusa Penida) until the level of socialization. |
10. | The 5R Movement | Involving 221 participants (118 males + 103 females) in 6 activities: clean up, mural competition, coloring competition, making ink competition, brand audit, and Bondres. |
11. | Partnership with other parties | 1 waste collector entrepreneur, 2 local communities engaged in waste management activities (Trash Hero, Kopernik), 2 government agencies (DLHP and Department of Education), 1 CSR (Aqua). |
- Bendesa Nyuh Kukuh provided a lot of motivation and facilitated meetings with the community in the Banjar.
- The head of Ped village supports waste management in the Nyuh Kukuh hamlet, although financially unable to support yet, there is already an agreement to collaborate on educating other hamlets so that they can emulate Nyuh Kukuh hamlet.
- The Village Head provides support and authorizes TPST Nyuh Kukuh Kedas to manage the contribution funds for operations in accordance with the Perdes and is willing to collect residue at TPST if needed.
- The majority of the community is enthusiastic and pleased that their waste is being collected and provided with sorting facilities. This is because, until now, the majority of the community has not received services from the government.
- The community is starting to learn to sort their waste and refrain from burning it at home or gardens.
- The amount of waste disposed of improperly and burned has begun to decrease because of the transportation service.
- Restaurant and hotel owners are starting to register for waste collection subscriptions.
- The Department of Environment and Land Affairs (DLHP) of Klungkung Regency is pleased with the community assistance program in waste management on Nusa Penida (Nyuh Kukuh) because Nusa Penida has not been a priority target.
- DLHP Klungkung gave permission for residue disposal to Biaung landfill.
- The involvement of young people in Nyuh Kukuh is significant, although not very extensive, and there is a tendency for it to decrease as they graduate from school and continue their studies in Denpasar.
- There is still resistance from some members of the community who refuse to segregate their waste and join the program (they feel that their gardens are still large).
- The enthusiasm of elementary and middle school students in waste segregation is more apparent compared to high school students.
- The presence of murals in several places has significantly influenced the cleanliness of public areas. For instance, the port is now visibly cleaner compared to before the program was implemented.
One of the changes in public space at the Harbor in the Banjar Nyuh Kukuh Area

- The Environmental Education and Waste Management Program in Nyuh Kukuh Hamlet receives support from the Environmental and Land Agency of Klungkung Regency in the form of cooperation to educate schools and communities. The presence of the Education Office at PLH Teacher Training in schools in Nyuh Kukuh Hamlet. And support from the Secretary of Klungkung during the meeting at SDN 3 Ped School.
- The Waste Management Activities in Banjar Nyuh Kukuh and SDN 3 Ped School have been appreciated by the Klungkung Regency government with an Award Certificate signed by the Regent of Klungkung.
- An agreement and approval have been reached with the Ped Village Perbekel that the Nyuh Kukuh Kedas Waste Collection and Processing Site (TPST) can collect waste fees from the community in accordance with Village Regulation No. 07 of 2018 regarding Waste Management Charges. Thus, the operational costs of the TPST in the future can be fulfilled.

- All activities have been known to Bendesa Nyuh Kukuh, Perbekel Desa Ped, Head of LHP and Head of Klungkung Education Office and administratively there is already a legal umbrella from the village and recognition from DLHP.
- The waste management program is already aligned with the programs of Klungkung Regency and Ped Village. Collaboration has already begun, albeit in the form of human resources support.
- The data from the waste brand audit is highly likely to be used to hold companies accountable for their contributions to waste management efforts in Nyuh Kukuh.
- The DLHP has also facilitated a meeting between the PPLH Bali and CSR (Aqua) to explore the possibility of establishing cooperation to support the TPST (press machine). Aqua has the highest number of discarded items.
- Funds for the sustainability of the TPST have been prepared through monthly revenue from customer contributions, sales of organic waste (compost), and valuable inorganic waste.
- The activity data is centralized and managed at the TPST and village level for easy access and monitoring.
Media and Publications
Bali Tribunnews