Mahrun was still young, only 35 years old, he was not a government official. He was just a farmer who lives on the edge of a forest and teaching Koran in his kampong. But his task was beyond of the officials in the kampong. Almost every day, he received numerous complaints from the community. Ranging from less fertile lands to economic difficulties.
‘Ustadz (the title of religious teacher in Islam), why life has not been changed? We always live in poverty. We have lands, but couldn’t plant anything. Corn or beans couldn’t yield. Only cassava and it even yields after 8 months,” complained one of his congregation.
Unfortunately, everytime similar question arose, the ustadz was unable to provide a solution. “Hopefully, God’s help would come soon; the important thing, we must diligently pray and try”. That was the only response coming from UstadzMahrun. Although he knew praying was not enough. The ustadz. a Madrasah Aliyah s graduate from one of Islamic boarding schools in Mataram could just only strengthen his congregation’s heart. Not more.