Objective 1 :
Increasing awareness and knowledge of key actors regarding local wisdom as a basis for farming communities in carrying out agricultural production

Photo 1: FGD activity 'Dutua Lopoliyama Ngotawunu' with PANGGOBA involving the community, academics and government agencies. Held on December 7 2019 in Juriya Village, Bilato District, Gorontalo Regency.

Photo 3: Deliberation activities of 'Dutua Lopoliyama Ngotawunu' with PANGGOBA involving the community, academics and government agencies. Held on January 25 2020 in SP3 hamlet, Saritani village, Wonosari District, Boalemo Regency.

Photo 5: Participatory Ethnobotany Study carried out from 27 April to 3 May 2020 in SP3 hamlet, Saritani village, Wonosari District, Boalemo Regency.

Photo 2: Deliberation activities of 'Dutua Lopoliyama Ngotawunu' with PANGGOBA involving the community, academics and government agencies. Held on December 7 2019 in Juriya Village, Bilato District, Gorontalo Regency.

Photo 4: Deliberation activities of 'Dutua Lopoliyama Ngotawunu' with PANGGOBA which involved the community, academics and government agencies. Held on February 29 2020 in North Tamaila village, Tolangohula District, Gorontalo Regency.

Photo 6: Participatory Ethnobotany Study carried out on 4-10 May 2020 in North Tamaila village, Tolangohula District, Gorontalo Regency.
Objective 2 :
Strengthening the institutions of knowledge owners (Panggoba) and farming communities through the practice and implementation of commodity production businesses

Photo 7: Process of creating a panggoba garden in SP3 hamlet, Saritani Village, Wonosari District, Boalemo Regency. February 10, 2020.

Photo 9: Map of the location of Panggoba Park in SP3 Hamlet, Saritanii Village, Wonosari District, Boalemo Regency.

Photo 8: Process of creating a panggoba garden in North Tamaila Village, Tolangohula District, Gorontalo Regency. March 25 2020.

Photo 10: Map of the location of Panggoba Park in North Tamaila Village, Tolangohula District, Gorontalo Regency.
Impact of Activities
- Previously there had never been a meeting involving leaders, the community, academics and government agencies.
- Panggoba, who had been relatively closed due to the stigma of shirk and idolatry, began to feel confident and open to communicating his knowledge to the public through meeting forums.
- Panggoba is willing to be invited to meetings involving institutions such as the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) and universities.
- Panggoba's knowledge is used as a source of information by academics for research materials related to agriculture.
- Creation of a panggoba garden for the collection of agricultural markers, traditional and medicinal plants which have been difficult for the public to access.
- The Village Government (North Tamaila) supports efforts to preserve panggoba culture by facilitating land to be used as a panggoba park.
Best Experience

Photo 10: This program has provided space for the panggoba to meet and discuss knowledge which until now has almost never been done. Through this program, the participants' knowledge confirms and complements each other.

Photo 11: Panggoba was able to sit with academics, BMKG, NGOs and the Government to discuss their knowledge about the planting season for the Gorontalo region. Where the BMKG cannot ensure clear boundaries climatologically between the rainy season and dry season periods because outside North Gorontalo Regency, other regencies in Gorontalo Province are outside non-zom areas (seasonal zones).

Photo 12: Through this program, the leaders from several villages who have never known or met before, can discuss and share their knowledge without any conflict in maintaining the truth. Even the panggoba leaders brought provisions and shared among themselves.
Program Sustainability
- Panggoba is a source of knowledge and information for the community, especially farmers, in carrying out land processing and production activities.
- Panggoba is the government's partner in making policies for determining planting times for farming communities.
- Workshops and training in the context of transforming Panggoba's knowledge to young farmers who so far have not received full information about the importance of Dutuwa Lopoliyama Ngotawunu. Dutuwa Lopoliyama Ngotawunu.
- Production and distribution of planting season calendars based on Panggoba's knowledge to assist farmers in carrying out their production activities.
Media Publication :
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 :
Tuesday, May 29, 2020