Indonesia Berseru Association
(INS/SGP/OP6/Y2/STAR/BD/18/027–Indonesia Berseru Association)

City Village Festival 2020
Held at the Ragunan Campground, Jakarta on 17-19 January 2020. This activity aims to be a bridge for innovative efforts that have been carried out by various village communities with urban consumer communities, as well as the wider public; increasing the capacity of young people in assisted villages in developing their businesses.
Objective 1: Become a "re-learning" space for the community to look again at a prosperous local food system based on local potential and biodiversity. Community knowledge seeds and systems.

Objective 2: Become a space for villages to share their work and learning.

Objective 3: Increase community knowledge in the production and processing of agricultural products (Knowledge, Learning and Breakthroughs), which cannot be done because local hosts and partners are not ready.
Objective 4: Social Equality and Infrastructure, which includes a forum for young groups to mutually strengthen the management of sustainable food systems.

- Combining these two objectives, the 2020 City Village Festival has the following objectives:
- Becoming a "re-learning" space for the community to look again at a prosperous local food system based on local potential and biodiversity.
- Becomes a space for villages to share their work and learning.
- Become a place where food producers and other creative economic activities in rural and urban areas can show their work directly to urban consumers.
- Providing a place for young food producers, and young groups who want to develop agriculture to gather, get to know each other and discuss the healthy food system they want to create.
- Provides comprehensive information about our food situation.
- Providing a space to get to know the richness of food and creative economic activities that mutually revive each other, through various fun activities.

Objective 3: Increase public knowledge in the production and processing of agricultural products.
- Initial discussion activities with young people who will develop community businesses began in Tampara Kaledupa Village on June 25 2019.
- The discussion began by discussing young people's perceptions of farmers/fishermen/food producers, where what emerged was that the perception was negative: dirty, poor, filthy.
- The discussion continued with the island's economic situation, through its food needs. It is known that most of the food is imported from outside the island, especially from Buton, even vegetables.
- Through a role model, Ermawati, a young woman who plants mustard greens and kale in 2-3 beds, is exposed to and explored the economic potential. Most are interested in pursuing horticulture, especially vegetables imported from the Buton plains.
- The next activity is to calculate the island's needs and its value. But it hasn't continued because the hosts and participants are busy.
Providing a place for young food producers, and young groups who want to develop agriculture to gather, get to know each other and discuss the healthy food system they want to create. Agricultural Business by Young people (left); Product Branding (Right).

Local Healthy Food Discussion with Wied Harry (Left). Providing a place for young food producers, and young groups who want to develop agriculture to gather, get to know each other and discuss the healthy food system they want to create. Local Food Coloring Competition, preceded by a healthy food story (Right).

GEF Host Participants and Local Partners at Fesdeskot 2020:
- Phase VI: 3 from Waktobi, 4 from Gorontalo; 4 from Semau (one more own transport); 2 from Nusa Penida; and 2 from Jogjakarta representing BDT, Lawe as resource person: 16 participants
- There were 3 participants from the previous phase who joined the Young Farmers program and its network from Jogjakarta; 3 from Garut; 2 from Pangandaran and 2 from Bandung. As well as being a source of inspiration from Salatiga. A total of 11 participants.
- Discussion participants in Tampara: 20 people. PIB 2 people, Forkani 1, Akka Mollu (youth organization) 13 men, 4 women, 1 woman from Goje-goje.
- A total of 150 City Village Festival residents from village communities came from 16 districts, with economic initiatives to answer challenges in their respective regions.
- Visitors for 3 days: around 1000 more participants.
- There are 2 food policy discussions.
- There are 16 technical and capacity building workshops.
- There are 5 popular activities: Yoga, Drawing competition, Painting competition, Painting puppets on used plastic and baskets; Painting on waste paper.
- There is support from more than 20 urban craft and agricultural communities.
- Product exhibition.
- Traditional art performances and children's dance performances.
- Information Installation.
- Communities can see the big picture of food policy and rural development from policy discussions including: The right to seeds; Bumdes; Village Law.
- Young people from work areas can see economic opportunities that can be used as a source of livelihood,
- Young people in the village gain knowledge about packaging, product packaging, either through workshops or directly seeing products developed by various communities.
- There is coverage of the villagers' economic initiatives.
- If it is not immediately followed up at the local level, it will be difficult to move the economy.
Opportunities that can be developed.
Compost, liquid fertilizer and seeds (left). Workshop for making tempe and selling the product (Right).

When young farmers from the previous GEF supported program period shared tips for successful business from the Village.

- The sustainability of economic development programs in villages is very dependent on the groups of young people who are invited to be involved in these activities. Evidently, their interest, and their ability to read opportunities, a number of young people from previous programs are starting to show good results, both in business and active involvement in their villages.
- If the host institution has a focus on food issues and can see its development, the level of program sustainability will be high.
- There are still a few hosts who pay attention to the younger generation, with the reason that there are no young people who are interested, but in fact they have not created a special program to make young people interested in pursuing the food sector.
Media and Publications

List of Coverage for the 2020 City Village Festival (from pre-events)
Kompas, 20 January 2020. Photo news.