(NO INS/SGP/OP6/Y2/STAR/BD/19/059 )
Outcome 1:
Maintaining and improving the function of strategic marine areas and encouraging sustainable resource utilization practices.

Photo 1: FGD Activities to Build Understanding on Concepts and Models between the Community, SARA Liya, Liya Raya Village Government, Posaasa Group, RARE, National Parks and DKP (26 June 2019).

Photo 3: Marinebouy Procurement Activities for Boundary Marks/markings at the Sumanga Island Marine Protection Location (9 September 2019).

Photo 5: Monitoring and supervision training activities with the Posaasa Group (30 September 2019).

Photo 2: Village Deliberation Activities to Build Understanding on Concepts and Models for Management of Protected Marine Areas on Sumanga Island between the Community, SARA Liya, Liya Raya Village Government, Posaasa Group, RARE, National Parks and DKP (8 August 209).

Photo 4: Activities for installing boundary markers at the Sumanga Island marine protection location (17 September 2019).

Photo 6: Monthly Monitoring and Supervision Activities between the Posaasa Group, Komanangi, and the Community at the Sumanga Island Marine Protection Site. (October-March 2020).

Photo 7: Socialization to the community about models for utilizing fishing gear and models for utilizing marine protection sites on Sumanga Island in the villages of Liya Mawi, Liya Onemelangka, Liya Togo and Liya Bahari Indah (December 2019-January 2020).

Photo 8: Village Deliberation Activities Encouraging the village government to include the concept and management model for protecting Sumanga Island's marine areas in the RPJM des/RKP des (8 October 2019).
Outcome 2:
Maintaining and preserving forest cover areas in the Tamba'a springs area and improving sustainable resource utilization practices

Photo 9: Location identification activities for the Uwe Tambaa spring area and coordination with land owners (May 2019).

Photo 10: FGD activity Building an agreement with Land Owners regarding Planting 2000 local trees (mango and jackfruit) in the Uwe Tambaa spring area (16 June 2019).

Photo 11: Activities for creating a nursery and planting 2000 local trees (mango and jackfruit) in the Uwe Tambaa spring area (June-December 2019).

Photo 12: Planting activities of 2000 local trees (mango and jackfruit) at the Uwe Tambaa spring involving Liya Mawi Village Government, Liya Mawi BPD, members of the Lagundi Group, SMP I Wangi-Wangi Selatan, Wakatobi National Park Hall, religious leaders, traditional leaders and society. (January 10, 2020).
Outcome 3 :
Increasing community food security through better and more sustainable agricultural and fisheries cultivation practices as well as preserving local plant variations.

Photo 13: Activities to identify and document types of cultivation and main local food crops (tubers and corn and their uses) (October 2019 – April 2020).

Photo 14: Environmentally friendly agricultural training activities involving the community, the Lagundi group and PKK women in Liya Mawi Village (11 October 2019).

Photo 15: Activities for Procurement of Local Food demonstration plot gardens (November-December 2019).

Photo 16: Activities to encourage junior high school level schools in Liya Mawi village to transfer knowledge about managing types and cultivating local food plants as well as environmentally friendly agricultural practices through learning outside of school (5 January 2020).

Photo 17: Socialization of local food production based on environmentally friendly agriculture (7 January 2020).
Outcome 4 :
Strengthening the role of local institutions for participatory decision making that favors environmental sustainability and community welfare.

Photo 18: Training to increase the capacity of local institutions in Liya Mawi village (28 January 2020).

Photo 19: Workshop on strengthening local institutional governance to make participatory decisions and policy making that supports environmental sustainability and community welfare (5 March 2020).
- There is a joint understanding to manage the location of the Sumanga Island marine protected area.
- Installation of 10 boundary signs at the Sumanga Island Marine Protection Location.
- Implementation of joint monitoring and supervision for the Sumanga Island Marine Protection area.
- There is a guarantee from the Liya Mawi Village Government by including the RKPdes and RPJMdes regarding monitoring and supervising the protection of the Sumanga Island Sea.
- 2000 local trees in the form of Mango and Jackfruit were planted in the Uwe Tambaa spring area.
- There are 11 families of onion farmers in Liya Mawi Village who use organic fertilizer and compost from the results of environmentally friendly agricultural training.
- Local institutions in Liya Mawi Village play a role in managing natural resources on land and at sea.
- Environmental preservation activities are included in the Liya Mawi village planning document.
- Implementation of PKK activities as a resource and disseminating knowledge of local food types.
- Implementation of demonstration plots (demonstration plantations).
- The location of the Sumanga Island protected area is known to local people, especially the people of the Kadie Liya area.
- There is community compliance not to manage in no-take locations.
- Fishermen's catches have increased.
- Healthy coral reefs and abundant fish.
- There are farmers, especially onion farmers, who independently use organic fertilizer.
- The land owner consciously maintains and cares for the plants planted in the Uwe Tambaa spring area.
- Village Government Supports community efforts to preserve nature.
- The community already has its own initiative to plant trees around the tombu-tombu spring area.
- Children, especially school children, gain new experiences and knowledge about the benefits of planting trees.
- The emergence of public awareness to use locally sourced fertilizer.
- The community has felt the impact of environmentally friendly agriculture.
- The community is conscious and independent in maintaining and monitoring marine protected areas.

Photo 20: Tree planting activities in the Uwe Tambaa spring area.

Photo 21: Monitoring and supervision activities for the marine protection of Sumanaga Island.
- There is awareness among the Land Owner Community to protect and care for and replace plants that die or are eaten by livestock.
- There is support from the Liya Mawi Village government. Budget from ADD for 1 Marine Supervisor and included in the RKPdes and RPJMdes.
- Regular monitoring and supervision is scheduled twice per month.