North Tamaila Village Owned Enterprise
Objective 1:
Socialization regarding Forest Areas as Protected Areas for Water Sources for the Community as well as an agreement to create a place for seedling nurseries

Figure 1.1: Socialization activities for forest area protection in the residential area of North Tamaiala Village to protect water sources for the community (October, 2019).

Figure 1.2: Activities to form a joint agreement on the protection of Forest Areas in North Tamaiala Village, carried out by the North Tamaiala Village Government, North Tamaila Village Bumdes and community leaders before the socialization was carried out (July, 2019).

Figure 1.1: Meeting activities Preparation and approval of a plan for creating a seed nursery, which was agreed upon by the Village Government, Bumdes North Tamaiala and the North Tamaiala Village Community (May, 2019).
Objective 2:
Making a Seedling Nursery

Figure 2.1: The activity of filling soil in polybags for the seeding process for tree seedlings to be planted on critical land and riverbanks, residents are very enthusiastic in carrying out this activity. (October, 2019).

Figure 2.2: Seedling nursery by North Tamaila Bumdes, which has been prepared for carrying out planting activities. (October, 2019).
Objective 3:
Planting tree seedlings on critical land and riverbanks in North Tamaila Village

Figures 3.1 and 3.2: Planting tree seedlings Volume 1 on riverbanks and critical land in North Tamaiala Village. This activity was carried out by the North Tamaiala Village Government and Bumdes, surrounding communities (February, 2020).

Figures 3.3 and 3.4: Tree Seedling Planting volume 2 which was attended by the Village Government, Bumdes North Tamaila, the surrounding community, sub-district government and in collaboration with the regional government's environment-based activities called Kambungu Beresi as well as Babinsa Tni and Babinkamtibmas Polri North Tamaila Village. (March, 2020).
Objective 4:
Verify the location and map the extent of the forest area as a source of clean water in the North Tamaila Village Area

Figure 4.1: Regional tracking activities to map the extent of clean water source forest areas in the North Tamaila Village area (March, 2020).

Figure 4.2: Image of one of the clean spring rivers for the people of North Tamaila Village in the Forest Area. This river which has a waterfall is often called the Boroma Waterfall by the local community (March, 2020).
Objective 5:
Group Business Activities carried out by North Tamaila Bumdes

Figure 5.1: Sago flour products produced by the Business Group run by Bumdes Tamaiala Utara (January, 2020).

Figure 5.2: Cake making activities made from sago flour carried out by a business group run by North Tamailaa Bumdes (January, 2020).
- Activities to protect forest areas as a source of water and also as a buffer against disasters such as floods and landslides, arouse enthusiasm in the local community by carrying out activities to plant, care for and protect forest areas around settlements.
- The North Tamiala Bumdes group received attention from sub-districts and regional districts by carrying out collaborative maintenance, critical environmental improvements in the form of rehabilitation carried out on land and riverbanks in North Tamiala Village and in general including the Paguyaman watershed as an impact of these activities.
- With this activity, the cooperation of all social lines in North Tamaila Village in protecting and caring for forest areas has increased and this activity has also had an impact on reducing the trauma of the community on the riverbanks which are always flooded if the river overflows. Apart from that, the river water which every time it rains overflows and causes flooding is now starting to decrease.
Impact of Activities
- The community in North Tamaila Village is committed to maintaining the Husan forest area.
- Maintaining and sustainably managing clean water sources in North Tamaila Village.
- The increase in local products in North Tamaila Village is increased through the North Tamaila Bumdes.

Figure D1: Collaborative activities of all social lines in North Tamaila Village and the sub-district government and village government in protecting the environment through the Gorontalo Kambungu Beresi Regional Government Program (March, 2020).

Figure D2: Community agreement formation activities in protecting forest areas added to residential areas in Tamaiala Utaran Village (October, 2020).

Figure D3: one of the rivers that provides clean water in the North Tamaiala Village forest area (March, 2020).

Figure D4: one of the group's ongoing businesses produces cakes made from sago. (January, 2020).

Figures P1 and P2: the enthusiasm of the people of North Tamaiala Village is quite high in rehabilitating critical land and riverbanks and protecting forest areas from the environmental impacts they experienced several years ago related to the flood disaster. (March, 2020).
- The community and village government maintain and maintain forest areas that have been rehabilitated in a sustainable manner without further extreme land clearing by deforestation.
- Rehabilitation activities for critical land and river banks will continue to be carried out by replacing seedlings that have died due to the extreme environment so that the rehabilitation activities that have been completed are not in vain.
- Community training for sustainable group business management in collaboration between Bumdes North Tamaiala and the Japesda Association to improve the community's economy.
- Plan to create a Village Regulation for the protection of forest areas in North Tamaila Village, by the Village government and North Tamaila Village Bumdes.
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