Image 1 : Initial discussion with the Village Officials of Batuinan to prepare for the project's socialization meeting and observation activities of the water sources. The Village Head (Apolos Ukat) along with 3 (three) Heads of Sub-Division (Kaur) were present: the Head of Development (Meldi Holbala), the Head of Government Affairs/Acting Secretary of the Village (Yonathan Obeng), and the Head of General Affairs (Geminundin Buifena).
Image Multipurpose hall of Batuinan village, January 21, 2020.

Water sources observation for the installation of Solar Water Pumping System (SWPS). This activity took place on January 21, 2020, conducted by the Technical Consultant, accompanied by Yonathan Obeng/Village Government Deputy; Pedi F. Manas/Chair of SPAMS BP. and Amos Tanu/Chair of KKM - Batuinan Village.
Photo 2: Location of the Pamsimas Well.

Photo 3: Location of the Uiutlui spring.

Photo 4: Location of the Uidete Well.

Technical measurement activities (volume and flow rate of water) at the Uidete well owned by the traditional elder Salmun Putislulut. This activity took place on January 22-23, 2020.
Photo 5: Mobilization of a genset to power the dynamo during the water flow measurement process at the Uidete Well.

Photo 6: Installation of the dynamo and PVC pipes.

Photo 7: Dino Tanu and Pedi Manas conducted the water flow measurement witnessed by Minggus Putislulut (the biological son of the well owner). The volume of water in the well was 753 liters, and the water flow rate was 0.5 liters per second.

Photo 8: The inaugural meeting between the Cemara Foundation and the Batuinan Village Government for the project's socialization, along with presenting the results of water source observation and technical measurements at three water source locations. It was agreed during this meeting to approach the owner of the Uidete well and propose that through this project, repairs could be made to the piping network at the Uiutlui spring.
Image Multipurpose hall of Batuinan village, January 24, 2020.

Photo 9: Meeting between Cemara Foundation and the management of Uiutlui water spring, represented by Araham Ukat/chairman and Alfred Bao/secretary, accompanied by Yonathan Obeng/Acting Village Secretary of Batuinia.
Image Abraham Ukat's residence, January 24, 2020.

Photo 10: Meeting between representatives of the village government and Salmun Putislulut's family, the owners of Uidete well, to request their willingness to grant Water Use Rights to the Batuinan Village government to meet the community's need for clean water.
Image Dominggus Putislulut's residence, January 25, 2020.

Photo 11: Meeting to determine the location of the spring for the installation of SWPS network. The meeting was attended by Yayasan Cemara and the Village Government (village officials and BPD) of Batuinan Village. This meeting did not successfully determine the source point for the installation of SWPS.
Image Multipurpose hall of Batuinan village, January 27, 2020.

Photo 12 Continuation of the meeting to determine the location of the spring, attended by the family of the owner of the Uidete well, the community, and the Village Government. Finally, the Uidete well owned by Salmun Putislulut was designated as the installation point for the SWPS network and piping for the clean water needs of residents facing difficulties with clean water, especially in RT: 3, 4, 5, and 6 areas.
Image Multipurpose hall of Batuinan village, January 29, 2020.

Photo 15: The process of cleaning the reservoir site by water users was attended by the owner of the well/land.
Image Location of the Uidete well, May 3rd, 2020.

Photo 16: Excavation of the reservoir foundation by land/well owners prior to digging.
Image Location of the Uidete well, May 3rd, 2020.

Photo 17Discussion with Mrs. Friska Sunyiatun to explore agricultural processing training activities.
Image Mrs. Friska Sunyiatun's residence, April 3, 2020.

Photo 18: Coordination meeting with 2 officials of Uiutlui water for the renovation plan of the consumption tank and preparation for the installation of piping network at Uiutlui spring.
Image Mr. Abraham Ukat's residence, April 25, 2020.

Photo 19: Mobilization of reservoir materials by the supplier to the project site - Batuianan Village.
Image Location of the Uidete well, April 3rd, 2020.

Photo 20: Mobilization of equipment (mixer) to the work site for reservoir casting work.
Image Location of the Uidete well, May 8th 2020.

Photo 21: Casting work for the floor of the 8 cubic meter capacity reservoir.
Image Location of the Uidete well, May 8th 2020.

Photo 22: Casting work for the walls and upper plate of the reservoir.
Image Location of the Uidete well, May 14th 2020.

- The Uidete well is a suitable point for installing a Solar Water Pumping System, as observations and technical measurements have shown that this well has a larger water volume with a flow rate of ½ liter per second.
- Two water sources have been identified as the project's targets: the Uidete well and the Uiutlui spring.
- An elder named Salmun Putislulut has voluntarily allowed the use of water from his well without a time limit, to meet the clean water needs of the village residents.
- The signing of two statements has been completed. First, Statement of Water Use Rights, from the well owner named Salmun Putislulut, signed above the 6000 stamp, and duly witnessed and signed by his wife and children as heirs. Second, Statement letter as users of Uidete well water, which has been signed by 20 households and signed by the Acting Village Head of Batuinan and authenticated with the stamp of Batuinan Village.
- Various agreements have been established together with the community and village government, which are documented in 3 meeting minutes: 1) Agreement meeting results between the family owners of the well with representatives of Batuinan Village Government and Cemara Foundation Kupang; 2) Agreement meeting results between the owner of Uidete well, the community, Batuinan Village Government, and Cemara Foundation Kupang; 3) Agreement meeting results between the community group of water users and the owner of Uidete well. All three Meeting Minutes are also signed by the Acting Village Head of Batuinan and authenticated with the stamp of Batuinan Village.
- Collaboration between the Cemara Foundation and Cis Timor partners in water conservation efforts in Batuinan village, involves excavating 5 trenches around the Uiutlui water source. Each trench measures 6 meters in length, 50 cm in width, and 40 cm in depth, resulting in a water storage volume of 1,200 liters per trench.
- The identification of one type of agricultural product from the community, namely shallots, which has the potential to be processed into fried shallots.
- The agreement and signing of a cooperation contract with CV. Berkat Bersama as a materials supplier (equipment and supplies) for SWPS and clean water network.
- The materials were distributed to the project site for the reservoir construction work.
- Construction of one 8000-liter reservoir unit has been completed at the Uidete well site, which will serve the clean water needs. The finishing process for the reservoir awaits 14 days after dismantling the formwork.
A. Positif Impact
- The current impact of the project is the construction of infrastructure consisting of one 8000-liter reservoir. This reservoir will supply clean water to two water intake points in the village settlements.
- The final impact of this project is the establishment of one SWPS network, two piping networks at two water source locations, one reservoir with a capacity of 8,000 liters, and pipeline at two water sources.
- The number of villagers in the village who will receive clean water from these two water sources is 134 individuals, distributed across 34 households (temporary data as of April 2020). These 34 households are consistent users of water from both water sources. Therefore, the number of water users could increase because other residents who have their own water sources but experience water shortages at certain times could also access water from these two water sources.
B. Negative Impact
- Conflict has arisen in the utilization of clean water among both water users and owners.
- There are claims regarding the assets or infrastructure that have been installed, including both SWPS and clean water distribution.
- Misuse of water for purposes
Successfully negotiated with the well owner and family to allow the use of well water without a time limit, as stated in the Statement of Water Use Rights by the well owner.
Photo 23 : Signing of the statement by Salmun Putislulut, the well owner.

Successfully convinced several core members of the Batuinana village BPD and some residents in the process of determining the well point for installing the SWPS facility. Because technically, the only suitable well is the Uidete well, owned by Salmun Putislulut.
Photo 24 : Meeting to determine the spring point.

Able to encourage the government to participate in socializing the project to the community using the local language so that the community better understands.
Photo 25: Yonathan Obeng/Government Affairs Officer is speaking in the local language.

- The granting of Water Use Rights from the owner of the Uidete well without time limits is evidenced by the signing of a statement letter stamped with 6000 by the well owner, which is also approved and signed by his wife and children as heirs.
- All infrastructure assets of SWPS and Clean Water sources installed at the Uidete well and Uiutlui spring belong to the community group of water users, ensuring that there will be no ownership claims over the assets in the future.
- The project will establish infiltration wells at the spring location as an effort to conserve water resources.
- Water management institutions are established in a participatory manner involving all water users. Thus, agreements related to institutions or water management entities, as well as institutional arrangements in the form of agreements, serve as instruments in the management and utilization of water and are jointly agreed upon.
- Technically, the Uidete well has a sufficient volume and flow rate of water for the installation of a SWPS network to meet the clean water needs of the community groups in Batuinan Village.
- The water management institution/organization is equipped with technical sections/units actively involved in the SWPS installation process and pipeline network, thus possessing practical knowledge in operation and maintenance. This section is provided with a manual outlining operation procedures, infrastructure maintenance, and supported with tools for routine maintenance.
- Agreement involving the participation of water users in monthly contributions for the maintenance of installed infrastructure, as well as regular meetings between administrators and water users, is crucial. This agreement should be documented and distributed to water users and the village government for awareness and compliance.
- Administrators and water users are empowered to advocate independently to the local government for the allocation of village funds for village planning to finance the sustainability of installed infrastructure and programs/activities supporting water conservation in the Batuinan village.