Scope of work:
1. Preparation and launch process
- Assessing partner acceptance levels and raising awareness, as well as fostering ownership by partners,
- Conducting horizon scanning and analysis of existing initiatives;
- Consolidating knowledge bases and articulating or testing initial hypotheses.
- Conducting remote stakeholder analysis;
- Based on validated knowledge, leading the development and co-design of methodologies for system mapping process;
proses pemetaan sistem; - Conducting sessions for initial awareness of systems thinking.
- Leading the initial workshop to develop preliminary investigation, hypotheses, and framework development to inform the system mapping process.
- Synthesizing the results from the sensitization session and workshop, and revising the system mapping methodology.

2. Understanding the system
- Develop and articulate research investigations, e.g., but not limited to, macro analysis, stakeholder analysis, data analysis, insight analysis articulation, ethnographic research.
- Synthesize different streams of analysis and research.
- Building a draft map through a participatory process and with an understanding of the interconnectedness of the drivers, power dynamics and social relations between key stakeholders.
- Designing and organizing workshops and hands-on engagements that focus on validation of system maps, development of shared understanding to address complex challenges in their respective contexts, building buy-in and ownership of the process by government partners and key stakeholders.
3. Conduct ethnographic and digital listening
- Based on the validated system map, conduct ethnographic and digital listening in target communities, involving government partners and other identified key stakeholders.
- Analyze the listening data collected according to the SIP approach and develop an initial community narrative (challenges, needs, opportunities, pain points, etc.)
- Develop a systemic problem statement, further socialize it, and repeat the listening process to identify a set of potential leverage points.
titik pengaruh yang potensial; - Based on the identified set of potential leverage points, articulate a leverage hypothesis, evaluate feasibility and appropriateness in the respective context and
- finalize the listening report and assign leverage points.
4. Strategic experimentation
- Capacity building workshops for partners and relevant stakeholders in conducting Deep Listening and Understanding experiments.
- Mainstream Deep Listening tools during capacity building workshops and/or in-country engagements and advise on dissemination in respective contexts and
- Based on experiments, consolidate learning and implications, adapt experimental strategies, articulate Deep Listening implementation strategy.
5. Capacity building and adaptation
- Through the entire systemic thinking process, develop learning and insights to design systemic design curricula and manuals for emerging complex issues. The curriculum should be supported by useful tools, canvases, and exercises that enable the government to practice it independently in the future.
- Capacity-building workshops on systemic thinking, deep listening, and understanding are based on the curriculum or manual.
Who can submit a proposal?
All activities can be organized by a consortium of national or subnational NGOs or appropriate academic institutions with experience as capacity-building projects in the field and financed with a grant. The proposal will clearly present the experience of the applicant and its partner organizations in the issues to be addressed.
For proposal submission and further information, contact: Catharina Dwihastarini, National Coordinator, GEF Small Grants Program Completed proposals (please use the GEF SGP OP7 STRATEGIC PROJECT TEMPLATE and Request for Information Template) must be received by the SGP National Coordinator by January 31, 2023, with the subject: RFP. Developing and Fostering a Knowledge Management Platform.
For further information:
Developing And Fostering Knowledge Management Platform From Community Narratives